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The South East of Scotland Trauma Network launched in August 2022. The network helps to ensure that patients who experience major trauma can get access to the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Early identification and treatment of major trauma can save lives, prevent complications, speed up recovery and allow an earlier return to active life.
The South East Trauma Network is a collaboration of four NHS Health Boards and the Scottish Ambulance Service. The Boards which participate in the regional network are:
The South East of Scotland Major Trauma Centre (MTC) is based at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and provides people who have experienced major trauma injuries with access to a consultant led-specialist team and appropriate diagnostic treatment facilities. Major Trauma patients admitted to the MTC will either be treated within the 12-bedded major trauma ward or if they have a head injury may be admitted to the Department of Clinical Neurosciences for specialist care.
Patients admitted to the Major Trauma Centre or Trauma Units will be looked after by a multidisciplinary team. This team can include Nurses, Doctors, Mental Health Professionals, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Dietitians depending on what care a patient requires. All patient’s will also be seen by a major trauma coordinator who is responsible for co-ordinating their care whilst in hospital and supporting their discharge.
You can view our South East Scotland Major Trauma Guidelines here.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA
Over the next few years the Network will be working to implement its improvement project plan. This will help to ensure that the network is fully meeting Scottish Trauma Network requirements and provides the best possible patient care. Upcoming key priorities for the network include:
– Undertaking work to improve the network’s compliance with KPI’s which help to ensure that all patient’s receive an equitable and high standard of care.
– Continuing to review and develop major trauma guidelines to ensure they continue to reflect best clinical practice.
– Establish a regional education forum and education plan for staff to help ensure that that staff feel confident and are highly trained.
– Continue to develop the existing clinical governance process in place within the Network.
– Improve links and connections with community services in all health boards.
If you’d like to learn more about the South East Trauma Network please our website here.
For further news and updates on children’s trauma services, please visit our website: here.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA
0131 242 1182
Borders General Hospital
Melrose TD6 9BS
01896 827473
Victoria Hospital
Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy KY2 5AH
01592 643355
Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Stirling Road, Larbert FK5 4WR
01324 566000
St John's Hospital
Howden Road West, Howden, Livingston EH54 6PP
01506 523000
Edward Dunstan, Regional Clinical Lead
Wendy Parkinson, Network Project Managers
Eilidh Markie. Network Project Managers
Dean Kerslake, MTC Clinical Director
Michael MacMahon, Clinical Lead for the Victoria Hospital Trauma Unit
Dr Rajendra Raman, Clinical Lead for the Victoria Hospital Trauma Unit
Colm McCarthy, Clinical Lead for the Borders General Hospital Trauma Unit
Roshan Raghavan. Clinical Lead for the Borders General Hospital Trauma Unit
Dr Fiona Gillies, Clinical Lead for St Johns Local Emergency Hospital
Lindsay Reid, Paediatric Clinical Lead
Jon McCormack, Paediatric Clinical Lead
Alex Baxter. Paediatric Rehab Clinical Lead
Orla Prowse, Regional Rehab Lead
Janis Harvey. MTC Rehab Lead
Alan Carson, Clinical Lead for Acute Trauma Rehab
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