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Paediatric Trauma

The STN Paediatric Group was established in 2018, to identify gaps in training and education for professionals, develop training materials/provisions which meet the needs identified and develop guidelines for the delivery of paediatric trauma care. The group meeting four times a year, and is chaired by Mr Phil Hammond.

Mr Hammond has been nominated by the Scottish College Committee for Children’s Surgical Services (SCCCS).

The membership of the paediatric working group consist of:

  • Paediatric Consultant representation from each of trauma network regions.
  • Major Trauma Coordinators
  • Paediatric Nursing representation
  • Representation from smaller NHS Boards
  • Paediatric Intensive Care Units (Management/Clinical)
  • Representation from paediatric rehabilitation

Paediatric Clinical Guidelines

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Paediatric Major Trauma Triage Tool

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Paediatric Education

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