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Pre-Hospital, Transfer and Retrieval

Pre-Hospital, Transfer and Retrieval

The STN Pre-hospital, Transfer and Retrieval Group was established in 2018 to discuss best practice, guidelines , pathways and to develop national guidelines for professionals in pre-hospital care.  The group meets quarterly and is chaired by the STN Clinical Lead, Tim Hooper.

The membership of the group consists of:

  • Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Four Regions Representatives
  • Scotland’s Pre-Hospital Emergency Critical Care (SPHECC)
  • Air Wing
  • BASICS Scotland
  • Medic One
  • Tayside Trauma
  • Emergency Medical Retrieval Scotland – EMRS
  • Pre-hospital Immediate Care and Trauma – PICT
  • Scottish Trauma Audit Group – STAG
  • Scottish Mountain Rescue
  • Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care

Major Trauma Triage Tool

The Major Trauma Triage Tool went live in Scotland on the 30th August 2021, click the link below to find out more.

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Updates from the regions and SAS.

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