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To improve and optimise the health and wellbeing of the seriously injured. Helping them, their families, each other and our nation. Pioneering clinical excellence, health intelligence, innovation, education and research.

The STN governance is overseen by the Steering Group with a Core Group of management and clinical representatives from each of the regions and SAS. The Core Group has been created as the main point for discussions and action for the network to set recommendations and work up plans to send to the Steering Group for approval. The Core Group has a number of working groups sitting below it to work on their specific speciality.

The Steering Group meets three times a year and their terms of reference describes that the responsibilities of the group are to oversee, approve and ratify. The group is Chaired by Mary Morgan, CEO of National Services Scotland.


Our Governance Structure Our 2022/23 Annual Report Our 2021/22 Annual Report Our 2020/21 Annual Report Our 2019/20 Annual Report Our 2018/19 Annual Report Saving Lives, Giving Life Back, CMO, 2017

News from the Network

Latest updates in trauma care from around Scotland

The North of Scotland are hosting a Network Trauma Event on Wednesday 15th May at the Crowne Plaza, Aberdeen Airport. The event is open to all health and social care […]

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Frailty learning event

A 2-hour online learning event “What is frailty and why do we care?” was hosted by the STN on 9th October. Subject matter experts from across the network presented background […]

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