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Paediatric Clinical Guidelines

Paediatric Clinical Guidelines

Scottish Trauma Network Guidelines for Clinical Practice are developed guidelines to assist healthcare professionals in medical decision-making for specific clinical conditions. You are welcome to use these guidelines as part of your clinical decision making process. They are not a substitute for clinical judgment and should not be considered medical advice. Most of the content of the guidelines are based on a combination of best clinical practice and literature reviews.

The guidelines should be used in conjunction with the correct training and education.

All guidelines have been approved by the STN Paediatric Group and ratified by the STN Core and STN Steering Group.


PMTC Major Haemorrhage Action Card Major Trauma Child Protect Triage Tool Imaging Flowchart for Major Paediatric Trauma ScotSTAR SPOC PTCA Flowchart Electrical Injuries Guideline Neuroprotection SOP