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Delivering trauma care to Dundee, Fife, Perthshire and surrounds

East of Scotland

The East of Scotland (EoS) region is home to Ninewells Hospital, one of the Major Trauma Centres (MTCs), which opened on 19th November 2018.

Ninewells Hospital already has extensive experience in dealing with major trauma and Tayside clinicians have pioneered patient pathways to improve outcomes for trauma patients. All trauma patients from across Tayside go directly to Ninewells Hospital, and have done so for around 20 years – the hospital team is one of the most experienced in the country.

The Tayside Trauma Team delivers pre-hospital critical care from Ninewells Hospital Emergency Department. They attend road traffic collisions and industrial or agricultural incidents so treatment is provided as close to the time of injury as possible. This existing arrangement compliments the expert care delivered by the Scottish Ambulance Service, improving outcomes for trauma patients.

For staff in the EoS, the STN brings a new major trauma service ensuring many different specialities work together to ensure the best outcomes for patients. This new, multi-disciplinary approach will mean the patient journey is coordinated from the point of admission, ensuring the patient is taken to the right place as quickly as possible, through to discharge. Each trauma patient will be under the care of a dedicated Major Trauma Consultant who will work jointly with the Trauma Nurse Coordinator throughout the entire patient journey.


Ninewells Hospital
Dundee, DD1 9SY

“The overall aim of the Scottish Trauma Network will be ‘Saving lives. Giving life back’.  Evidence from around the world shows that a coordinated and inclusive system of trauma care significantly reduces mortality by around 20 to 25% and improves outcomes for patients. This will be an inclusive trauma network for Scotland, which means it includes a number of hospital sites and regional networks, to deliver the highest quality of integrated care to severely injured patients.

It will save more lives and improve the lives of patients throughout the trauma pathway – from prevention to rehabilitation. This investment in enhancing trauma services and building a specialist workforce, including pre-hospital retrieval and transfer, diagnostic capacity and rehabilitation, will benefit a far wider group of severely ill and injured patients across Scotland. I am pleased to say that we are at the forefront of major trauma care and we are very proud to be one of the key players in this network. Staff are very experienced when it comes to major trauma services.”

Michael  Johnston, Previous Clinical Lead, East Region

Ninewells Hospital
Dundee, DD1 9SY

Perth Royal Infirmary
Taymount Terrace, Perth PH1 1NX

Mike Donald, Regional Clinical Lead
Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, DD1 9SY

Fiona Hutcheson, EoS Network Planning Manager
Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, DD1 9SY

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