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The STN is a bespoke, inclusive and equitable solution, which will involve the Scottish Ambulance Service and hospitals across Scotland – including four Major Trauma Centres (MTCs) – working collaboratively to deliver high quality, integrated, multi-specialty care to severely injured patients.
This approach will save more lives and improve patient outcomes throughout the trauma pathway – from prevention to rehabilitation – ‘Saving lives. Giving life back’.
This model of care is very much in line with the aims and ambitions of our National Clinical Strategy. It’s been designed to meet the needs of our population by delivering enhanced, coordinated care across traditional speciality and geographical boundaries.
The STN are collaborating with the Scottish Public Health Network to ensure that the prevention agenda already at work across Scotland will contribute to an evidence-based framework for the Network.
A clinical forum will be convened later in 2018 to support the development of best practice in the acute phase of care for seriously injured people.
The Rehabilitation Group has been established to develop rehabilitation plans, with some advice from UK wide experts.
As the network develops, a number of innovative ideas to improve the delivery of care to patients have already been seen. Research and innovation will run through the work of the network and members to improve systems of care across Scotland.