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NoS Trauma Network Newsletter – Spring 2022


The NoS have released their Spring 2022. This issue updates on staffing changes, educational course and an update on the latest Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

An introduction from Anne-Marie, NoS Network Manager:

Welcome to our new-look newsletter, we hope you like the new format. There is snow on the ground as I write this but my calendar assures me it’s spring! Unlike other springs though, I appreciate that services are still under extreme pressure and trauma workload has not diminished. The good news is that we are fortunate to have new trauma staff coming on board into new posts (details further on) while we say goodbye and thanks to colleagues who have worked on the development and implementation of the Network, such as Dr Luke Regan and Dr Angus Cooper.

Because of these pressures we have had to make the hard decision to postpone the Network Annual Event from 11th May to 31st August – please see further down for more information. Network colleagues were keen to have a face to face rather than a virtual event so I hope you can still attend and participate.

New developments and ways of working have continued to be implemented and we will cover many of these in the Network Annual Report which will be published later this spring. In the mean time we hope you have some time off to rest and recuperate during the Easter holidays.

Please click here to view the newsletter