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Trauma Programmes

National/International Trauma Programmes

Below are National and International Trauma Programmes, please note these are held by external companies and should be booked through the companies. The Scottish Trauma Network are happy to respond to any enquiries regarding these courses.



Who: Healthcare professionals working with elderly people in the first 24-72 hours after sustaining traumatic injury either as part of the initial assessment or the early stages of rehabilitation.

Previous course participants have included advanced physiotherapists, occupational therapists, consultants and registrars in emergency medicine, geriatric medicine, general surgery and orthopaedics; general practitioners and prehospital responders; major trauma coordinators; nurses working with trauma patients; paramedics and rehabilitation staff.

What: HECTOR began as the Heartlands Elderly Care Trauma and Ongoing Recovery course that was established to develop a training programme for clinicians and practitioners who are responsible for looking after older people who have injuries.

These injuries that an individual sustains often play second fiddle to the complex comorbidities, frailty, and the challenges of caring for them within an ever-pressured emergency care system.

This course is a two day course covering the assessment and management of elderly patients involved in trauma, and their first 48-72 hours in hospital. The course takes a mixed approach to education – with lectures, discussion groups and practical moulage stations. As a participant you’d be involved in all of these areas and would be split into mixed specialty/discipline groups for the small group work.

The course is delivered by an interspecialty and multidisciplinary faculty from the Scottish (STN) and Northern Trauma Network England (NTN). The NTN have kindly supported the setting up of this course.


There will be selected dates across the year – however if you apply (see below) then you will be informed when you are at the top of the waiting list, of when the next courses are available.

To apply for the course, click the link above or scan the QR code:

If the link doesn’t work, then please email  fv.hectorcourse@nhs.scot for an application form.

Cost: £350 for doctors, £200 for NMAHPs.

The difference in price is based on availability of study budgets for non-mandatory courses between staff groups.

Any questions, then email the centre fv.hectorcourse@nhs.scot


Trauma Orchestration of Continuing Healthcare (TORCH)https://www.londontraumaschool.com/

Who: CT1 or ST3-6 any acute hospital based discipline in an MTC or TU

What: A 2 day course consisting of didactic lectures and small group discussions delivered by a trauma faculty

Why: For clinicians who work/aim to work on a Major Trauma Service or who are preparing for Trauma TIG application

Cost: £150


Trauma Care After Resuscitation (TCAR) – https://tcarprograms-uk.visionem.org/

Who: The course is designed for ward care, critical care, perioperative and rehabilitation nurses. The course also appeals to other health professionals working in the trauma setting.

What: This programme gives inpatient staff members the foundational, evidence-based information and critical thinking skills necessary to provide care to this challenging patient population.

The course begins by focusing on concepts to the nursing care of the injured hospitalised patient:

  • The trauma care spectrum
  • The biomechanics of trauma
  • The body’s response to injury

Delegates will participate in interactive case scenarios that focus on admission-to-discharge care of patients with injuries to various body regions. Cases include the surgical, medical and nursing management of patients with:

  • Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma
  • Thoracic Trauma
  • Abdominal Trauma
  • Musculoskeletal Trauma
  • Head Trauma

Cost: £300 per Delegate


Paediatric Care After Resuscitation (PCAR) – https://tcarprograms.visionem.org/

Who: This course is designed for critical care, perioperative, ward and rehabilitation nurses who primarily work with children. The course will also appeal to other health professionals working in the trauma setting.

What: This paediatric-specific version of the adult TCAR course gives inpatient staff members the foundational, evidence-based information and critical thinking skills necessary to provide excellent care to this challenging patient population.

The course focuses on concepts relevant to the nursing care of the injured, hospitalised child:

  • The trauma care spectrum
  • The biomechanics of trauma
  • The body’s response to injury

Delegates will participate in interactive expanding case scenarios that focus on admission-to-discharge care of children with injuries to various body regions. Cases include the surgical, medical, and nursing management of children with:

  • Thoracic Trauma
  • Abdominal Trauma
  • Musculoskeletal Trauma
  • Head Trauma
  • Spine & Spinal Cord Trauma

Cost: £300 per delegate


Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) – https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/education-and-exams/courses/search/advanced-trauma-life-support-atls-provider-programme/

Who: This course is suitable for doctors at FY2 grade and above, equivalent staff grades and eligible advanced practitioners.

What: ATLS is a global course, teaching a systematic process of trauma care for patients with life-threatening injuries.

After attending ATLS course, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the concepts and principles for the primary and secondary patient assessment
  • Establish management priorities in trauma situation
  • Initiate primary and secondary management necessary for the emergency management of acute life threatening conditions in a timely manner
  • In a given simulation, demonstrate the skills to ABCD which are often required during initial assessment and treatment of patients with multiple injuries

Cost: £749 per delegate


European Trauma Course (ETC) – https://www.etc-uk.co.uk/

Who: ETC is an advanced course for senior and experienced clinical staff. It is multidisciplinary, and welcomes anyone who may find themselves receiving trauma patients.

What: The ETC is a 2.5-day course focusing on both multidisciplinary clinical and non-clinical skills, in the care and treatment of major trauma patients. Centred around the initial reception of patients, the ETC provides predominantly scenario-based training relevant to initial Resus room care, and embraces the team approach.

ETC is accredited by:

  • European Resuscitation Council (ERC)
  • European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA)
  • European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES)
  • European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)

Cost: £775 per delegate


Anaesthesia Trauma and Critical Care (ATACC)Anaesthesia Trauma & Critical Care – ATACC – The ATACC Group

Who: Candidates in the management of the trauma patient from the roadside to critical care. ATACC includes all of the essential elements for pre-hospital care and all the requirements for staff working in a major trauma centre.

What: ATACC aims to provide candidates with a wide range of training and skills necessary to manage major traumatic injuries from roadside to critical care, applying the latest evidence and current best practice.

Cost: £1100 per delegate


Advanced Trauma Nursing Course (ATNC) – Advanced Trauma Nursing Course ATNC Provider — Royal College of Surgeons (rcseng.ac.uk)

Who: Registered Nurses working in trauma teams. To meet the educational needs of a changing workforce in trauma teams it is possible for health care professional from other groups (e.g. paramedics and operating department practitioners) to complete ATNC.

What: The ATNC is a 3-day course, it follows the patient journey from preparing for their arrival, through the resuscitation phase of their care. It provides an opportunity to develop the knowledge, skill and attitude necessary to care for trauma patient and is recognized as an appropriate preparation for achieving Level 2 National Major Trauma Nursing Competencies (NMTNG 2016). The “team approach” is encouraged through shared learning with doctors on the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course.

Cost: TBC


Paediatric Advanced Cadaveric Trauma Surgery (PACTS) – Paediatric Advanced Cadaveric Trauma Surgery (PACTS) Course for Surgeons 2021 | British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (baps.org.uk)

Who: Consultants and ST8 and above in paediatric surgery, orthopaedics, plastics and neurosurgery or adult surgeons with an interest in children as well as paediatric anaesthetists and theatre nurses. Entire theatre trauma teams encouraged to attend together.

What: The course is two days on cadaveric operative workshop for surgeons, anaesthetists and theatre nurses likely to be involved in the operative management of major trauma in children. The course combines team decision making and communication under pressure with operative techniques. The operatives techniques focus on management of truncal and junctional zone injuries. The lectures, discussions and case studies explore the principles of damage control surgery in children, working in multi-specialty surgical teams and the human factors of managing under extreme pressure. Experience is shared from military and humanitarian surgeons as well as recent major incidents in the UK.

Cost: TBC


Nurse Trauma and Critical Care (NATCC) – https://www.ataccgroup.com/training/course-listing/nurse-trauma-critical-care/

Who: Level 1 and 2 of the Nursing and Allied Health Professionals.

What: This course is delivered by carefully chosen experienced instructors in a state of the art interactive, immersive, teaching centre. This allows a fresh approach to training and to truly engage learners in a realistic environment using interactive technology, live actors and high fidelity SFX. Candidates will be required to pass a theory MCQ and practical assessments. Exceptional candidates will be invited to return as potential future instructors on a structured development pathway.

Cost: £594 per delegate