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What is it?

HECTOR began as the Heartlands Elderly Care Trauma and Ongoing Recovery course that was established to develop a training programme for clinicians and practitioners who are responsible for looking after older people who have injuries.

These injuries that an individual sustains often play second fiddle to the complex comorbidities, frailty, and the challenges of caring for them within an ever-pressured emergency care system.

This course is a two day course covering the assessment and management of elderly patients involved in trauma, and their first 48-72 hours in hospital. The course takes a mixed approach to education – with lectures, discussion groups and practical moulage stations. As a participant you’d be involved in all of these areas and would be split into mixed specialty/discipline groups for the small group work.


Who is it for?

Healthcare professionals working with elderly people in the first 24-72 hours after sustaining traumatic injury either as part of the initial assessment or the early stages of rehabilitation.

Previous course participants have included advanced physiotherapists, occupational therapists, consultants and registrars in emergency medicine, geriatric medicine, general surgery and orthopaedics; general practitioners and prehospital responders; major trauma coordinators; nurses working with trauma patients; paramedics and rehabilitation staff.

Who is running it?

An interspecialty and multidisciplinary faculty from the Scottish (STN) and Northern Trauma Network England (NTN). The NTN have kindly supported the setting up of this course.

When is it?

There will be selected dates across the year – however if you apply (see below) then you will be informed when you are at the top of the waiting list, of when the next courses are available.


How do I apply?

Click this link or scan the QR code: HECTOR Application Form

If the link doesn’t work, then please email fv.hectorcourse@nhs.scot for an application form.

QR Code for Hector Course Application Form


£350 for doctors, £200 for NMAHPs.

The difference in price is based on availability of study budgets for non-mandatory courses between staff groups.

Any questions, then email the centre fv.hectorcourse@nhs.scot

Many thanks,

Joel, Claire, Jon and Sarah (HECTOR Scotland faculty)