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STN Conference 2022

Five years on; what’s next?

The STN held its conference in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, on 27th and 28th September 2022.

The conference celebrated the network entering its fifth year by looking at achievements, lessons learnt and the impact it has made to trauma care in Scotland. It explored several themes using patient cases and data collected throughout the patient pathway.

The conference schedule can be found here.

A number of the sessions at the event were recorded and can be viewed below. Please note, consent was not received to record all sessions at the conference. 

For further details, please contact nss.scottrauma@nhs.scot


STN Event 2022

Edinburgh International Conference Centre
The Exchange
150 Morrison Street

Day 1 Sessions

Opening Address

Professor Graham Ellis, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, delivers an opening address to begin the 2022 STN Conference.

Watch here

STN State of the Nation

STN National Clinical Lead, Dr Martin McKechnie, provides an update on what has been accomplished in the network to date and provides insight of work still to come.

Watch here

Trauma Desk to Critical Care Desk

Martin Esposito, Consultant Paramedic for Major Trauma in the Scottish Ambulance Service discusses the transition to a Critical Care Desk and the reasons for needing to adapt as the service evolves.

Watch here

Development of the SAS trauma 'jellyfish'

Dr Tim Parke, Associate Director SAS, explains the creation of the “Trauma Jellyfish” and the importance of pre hospital care teams being able to work together for Scotland.

Watch here

COBIS - Implementation of a National Burns Centre

Dr David McGill, National Clinical Lead for Care of Burn in Scotland (COBIS), presents the background of the need for a national burns centre, which opened in October 2022. Dr McGill shares what has led to this point and patient pathways once the centre is fully opens.

Watch here

STN Regional Updates

Clinical leads for the networks in the North, East, South East and West of Scotland give an update on work that has taken place since the last conference, and what lies ahead for the future of each region.

Watch Here

Day 2 Sessions

Opening Address

Caroline Lamb, Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and Director General for Health and Social Care, delivers an opening address to begin day 2 of the 2022 STN Conference.

Watch here

Paediatrics Presentaion

Dr Phil Hammond, chair of the STN Paediatric Group, presents an update on Paediatric trauma in Scotland, before Dr Marie Speirs, STAG Paediatric representative, explains where we are in paediatric data collection and how this data is used.

Watch here

STAG Presentation

Dr Malcolm Gordon explores the data behind trauma patients admitted to medical wards, followed by Hannah Craig, 4th year medical student at Glasgow University, sharing findings from her research project to understand mortality rates in trauma patients after 30 days.

Watch here

SABIN Presentation

Dr Andreas Demetriades, National Clinical Lead of the Scottish Acquired Brain Injury Network (SABIN), shares a presentation on what the data in Scotland tells us whether the incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury is increasing or decreasing, as well as looking at parameters such as age, social class and concomitant injuries.

Watch here

Patient Story

Janis Harvey, Physiotherapy Consultant and Karen Scott, Regional Rehabilitation Lead for the West of Scotland, present the story of Kyle, a major trauma patient involved in a road traffic accident and suffered severe injuries. The story is told by Kyle and his family and focuses on his journey through the trauma pathway.

Watch here

Rehabilitation Presentation

Janis Harvey, Physiotherapy Consultant, shares a presentation reflecting on delivering rehabilitation to patients within the Scottish Trauma Network, covering successes so far, challenges faced and opportunities for development.

Watch here

Rescue: Extreme Medics Presentation

The team at Firecrest Films host a session on what goes in to making the documentary and answer questions from the audience. They are joined by a major trauma patient featured in the first series who recalls his story following his plane crash.

Watch here

STN Event 2022 News

Latest updates related to the STN Event 2022

North of Scotland Trauma Education Sessions

We are delighted to announce the relaunch of the North of Scotland Trauma Education Sessions. These virtual sessions are available to all members of the Scottish Trauma Network. In addition […]

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STN Rehab Learning Event

The Scottish Trauma Network held an online learning event in October 2024, hosted by colleagues from the South East of Scotland. The event focused on rehabilitating patients with frailty and […]

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The Wishaw Experience

University Hospital Wishaw (UHW) was identified as a STAG mortality outlier for 2017 – 2019 inclusive. As a result, a high-level multidisciplinary mortality review process of all trauma deaths was […]

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