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Scottish Trauma Network Conference – A growing Network, a platform for change

The second annual Scottish Trauma Network (STN) conference took place in Edinburgh on 26 and 27 June 2019.

The event showcased and celebrated innovation and collaboration in the development of Scotland’s new trauma system – designed to deliver the highest quality of integrated, multi-speciality care for severely injured patients.

A demonstration of Scotland’s new trauma app

The new approach to trauma care was described by Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in her opening address as:  “An exemplar piece of work and a structure are evolving across the country, thanks to the innovative work of the Scottish Trauma Network (STN).”

Speakers across the two day event included Malcolm Wright, Chief Executive, NHSScotland and Professor Mansoor Ali Khan, Surgeon Commander in the Royal Navy and Consultant Trauma Surgeon, from North West London Major Trauma Centre. Professor Richard William OBE, University of South Wales spoke about psychosocial care for casualties following major incidents and Naomi Davis, Associate Medical Director, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital talked about the Manchester Arena attack in 2017 and the paediatric services two years on.

Malcolm Wright, Chief Executive, NHSScotland

Naomi Davis, Associate Medical Director, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

The event also saw the launch of the revised Major Incident and Mass Casualty Plan which was described by Ray De Souza, Depute Head, Scottish Government Health Resilience Unit as “a ‘concept’ of operations rather than a plan”. Its aim is to remove the anxiety of decision making from responders by providing the crucial reassurance to their teams that they are supported in the role that they play.

The plan, which is to be ready for implementation across Scotland by 1 September 2019, draws on learning from large scale incidents in recent years, with particular focus on the needs of children and the importance of psychosocial as well as physical care.

Reflecting on the success of the annual event, Dr Martin McKechnie, STN National Clinical Director commented: “This event has captured the huge amount of progress that is being made by all members within the broad and expanding STN. We are all now looking ahead to future developments presenting even more potential opportunities. Thank you to all our members for their continued support and energy which drives us forward.”

To find out more about STN developments, click here.


The Role of an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner

Joel Symonds, Advanced Critical Care Practitioner, tells us about this exciting project.

In November 2018, I was privileged to be accepted as a trainee Advanced Critical Care Practitioner with the Scottish Ambulance Service and Scottish Trauma Network.  I’ve worked for the Scottish Ambulance Service since joining as a “Direct Entrant” in 2006, originally at Edinburgh North Station. Since then, I’ve worked as a 3RU Paramedic, A&E Team Leader and Specialist Paramedic, while also working with Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’s EMERGE Research Group. As soon as I heard about the development of the Advanced Practitioner role, I knew I wanted to be involved; the role is such a great mix of enhanced clinical skills and knowledge with enormous opportunities for teaching, learning, research, publication and clinical leadership. Staffed by individuals from paramedic and nursing backgrounds, the team is truly multi-disciplinary with many team members bringing knowledge, abilities and experience to the table that far exceed the typical skill sets of their registered titles.

While Advanced Critical Care Practitioners have been practicing within hospital for many years, our role has a truly unique element, delivering both pre and in-hospital care and acting as a conduit between the two areas of clinical practice in this dual function.

Pre-hospitally, the team delivers “Yellow” enhanced care in the community on a single-crewed, independent basis, supporting ambulance crews at more challenging incidents, or those with the greatest clinical acuity and risk. While currently undergoing an intensive training programme in conjunction with Glasgow Caledonian University, once qualified the team will bring enhanced interventional skills, an expanded formulary and senior clinical decision making to serious incidents around South East Scotland. In addition to this, the role involves being embedded within Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’s Emergency Department, largely working within the Resuscitation, Anaesthetic and High Dependency areas and responding as part of ERI’s Medic One “Red” Trauma Team, working alongside an ED consultant and nurse.

The team have already proven themselves to be valuable additions to the running of the Emergency Department.  Dressed in distinctive red scrubs, they occupy a unique space in the team that lies between both nursing and medical staff. In addition to this, their significant exposure to a steady stream of seriously ill and injured patients coming through the door has allowed the ACCPs to greatly increase and develop their patient assessment, clinical decision making and interventional skills, with particular focus on the management of the critically ill, the use of sedation and anaesthetics and the management of major trauma, all of which come further into play when responding with Medic One. The team are especially grateful to all the staff at ERI ED for making them feel so welcome, involved and supported as they establish themselves in this new position.

Crucially, however, there have been significant collaborative, supportive and educational benefits to Scottish Ambulance Service staff who bring patients into the resuscitation department. Handing over a seriously ill patient to a senior Emergency Medicine consultant can be a daunting process for some of our colleagues and many technicians and paramedics now seek out the “red shirt” for debrief, support and learning after more complex cases.

The six members of the team are approaching the end of their first semester of a two year Post Graduate course in Pre-Hospital Critical Care, aligned closely with the learning outcomes and skill sets developed for Advanced Retrieval Practitioners within Glasgow’s EMRS. Next semester’s training will further their emergency surgical capabilities and include training in specialist skills such as blood transfusion, advanced analgesia and care of specific patient groups.

Further discussion, questions and suggestions for collaboration are always welcomed, and any reader keen to find out more about the team and project are encouraged to contact us on scotamb.seapcritcare@nhs.net


STN Event 2019 - Registration Now Open!!

We are delighted to announce that registration for the STN event on 26th and 27th June 2019, at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, is now open!

To view the draft programme and register for the event, please follow this link to the event site:


We look forward to seeing you all there!

SEoS Trauma Network Newsletter

Issue 4

This edition provides an update on the work that has progressed over the last year as the SEoS look towards entering year three of the network’s implementation.

Download the full newsletter here.

NoS Trauma Network Event 2019 – SAVE THE DATE!

The NoS are hosting their annual event on Wednesday 2nd of October 2019 at Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen.

The focus of this event will be the NoS network 12 months on, following the launch of the network and MTC opening in 2018. There will be a range of speakers that will discuss future plans and what they have achieved, as well as highlighting how the level of care available to NoS trauma patients has improved.

Further information will follow in due course.


STN Event 2019 - Call for Posters

We are now accepting poster abstracts for our event on 26th and 27th June 2019 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

There is lots of work going on around Scotland and we are keen for examples of best practice to be showcased at the event to share learning.

We invite submissions from NHS Scotland and HSCP employees, our voluntary and partner organisations, and other public or private sector organisations on any aspect of work they are undertaking relating to trauma care.

All posters are welcome, please consider the following prompts:

  • Patient journey from pre-hospital to rehabilitation, including community rehabilitation and social care,
  • Trauma prevention,
  • Patient engagement,
  • Epidemiology of serious injuries (trauma, TBI, burns) in Scotland,
  • Quality improvement, e.g.:
    • Use of emerging technology,
    • Maintaining excellence in patient care.

Download the form here.  Completed forms should be submitted to nss.scottrauma@nhs.net by 29th March 2019.

STAG Quality Improvement Workshop

Registration Now Open!!

Online registration for the STAG Quality Improvement Workshop on 1st March 2019 is now open and can be accessed here.

In order to cover some of the cost, there will be a fee of £80 for Consultants and £40 for other delegates.

This workshop will be facilitated by Nancy Dixon who is the Director of Strategic Services at Healthcare Quality Quest.  Nancy is a specialist in the subject of measuring and improving the quality and safety of healthcare services and leads the development and consultancy work at HQQ.

More information can be found on the registration page at the link above.

STN Event - 26th and 27th June 2019


The STN is holding its second conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 26th and 27th June 2019. We are collaborating with two other national clinical networks this year, (the Care of Burns in Scotland (COBIS) and the Scottish Acquired Brain Injury Network (SABIN)), as well as the Scottish Trauma Audit Group (STAG) to bring together like-minded people to deliver the STN conference.

We will be seeking posters, so get your thinking caps on!

Keep your eyes peeled for more information…

SEoS Trauma Network Newsletter

Issue 3

There is a huge amount of work happening across the network.  This issue provides some background to the network, as well as a progress update on work towards enhancing the delivery of high quality, person-centred, safe and responsive care to the SEoS population.

Download the full newsletter here.

NoS Trauma Network Newsletter

Issue 6

The NoS Trauma Network formally went live on 1st October 2018.  Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, visited Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, the network’s adult Major Trauma Centre, to commemorate the opening.  The Cabinet Secretary enjoyed a tour of the typical major trauma patient’s journey.

Find out more about the opening along with other updates from the network here.