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WoS Paediatric Major Trauma Study Day

The West of Scotland Paediatric team recently held their first Paediatric Major Trauma Study Day at the Major Trauma Centre in Glasgow.

The aim was to increase knowledge of the Scottish Trauma Network, and the services available at a Major Trauma Centre. Topics covered at the event ranged from Paediatric pelvic injuries and trauma imaging to outcome measures for brain injuries. Speakers included prehospital staff, consultant specialist surgeons and AHP staff to represent how Paediatric patients are treated and managed within a Major Trauma Centre from the front door, though their rehabilitation and discharge.

The event was available to staff both in person and online via Microsoft Teams, which proved popular with over 170 people attending the event. The importance of optional virtual attendance was highlighted with 70% of staff attending virtually. The event had attendees from across the West of Scotland Trauma, as well as staff from across Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Feedback received from attendees was extremely positive, with an average overall rating of 9 out of 10. Attendees praised the variety of the content and range of speakers across the entire Multi-Disciplinary Team within the trauma setting, as well as the remarkably patient story.


“Hearing the patient story and the recognition of the work of the Rehab team and MT Coordinators” 

“Loved all of the different speakers and realising that it really is a multidisciplinary team effort and not just one individual”

The day proved so popular that the Team have planned to make this an annual event. They would like to once again thank all attendees, speakers and those who helped to support the day.