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Major Incident with Mass Casualties Group - Bulletin 3, July 2018

The Major Incidents with Mass Casualties Group met for the third time on 20 June. A range of capability issues were the focus of discussion.

Prioritised actions

A Casualty Distribution Planning Workshop for territorial NHS Boards took place on 24 July. Attended by NHS Board delegations comprising clinicians, management and resilience leads, and representatives of other health specialist areas (Burns and Blood Transfusion), the audience benefited from hearing the ‘lived experience’ of two senior clinicians involved in managing casualties from the Manchester Arena attack. NHS Boards have now begun the process of determining the number of seriously injured (P1 and P2) patients to be distributed to receiving hospitals during the first hour following a major incident with mass casualties (MI-MC). This work is to be completed by 7 September.

Some of the challenges of responding to the needs to children and their families continue to be worked through by a multidisciplinary task group.

Focus on preparedness

An assessment is being carried out of the range of medical supplies and equipment that will be required by NHSScotland during a MI-MC; this work includes identifying how they can be readily accessed and replenished when necessary.

A proposal by the Burns Network in Scotland for treating burns-injured patients during a MI-MC situation is being considered by the group. Its aim is to enhance the capability of local acute hospitals by dispatching specially trained clinical and nursing staff to local facilities rather than moving burn-injured patients to specialist units. The proposed model seeks to provide best possible care and outcomes for patients and alleviate pressure on services.

Key lessons and other relevant issues from the Salisbury chemical poisoning incident continue to be reviewed and used as the basis for ensuring NHS Board’s preparedness for such events.

The challenges and issues for remote and rural areas during MI-MC situations are being reviewed with the aim of ensuring that the new national plan appropriately and effectively meets their needs.

Work has been progressed with Police Scotland’s Scottish Casualty Bureau (SCB) to develop effective collaboration between the NHS/Health and Social Care Partnerships and the SCB during a MI-MC situation.

For further information contact Ray de Souza sghru@gov.scot or nss.scottrauma@nhs.net